Club-Enerji Booklet Discussion Forum Energy Calculator Carbon Footprint Calculator Anthem Download Ringtone Download


TPCE is continuously joining hands with other partners to voice the message of energy and resource conservation. In the past, Tata Power Club Enerji has partnered with Godrej & Boyce, South Asian Youth Peace Meet, Rotary Club and others to spread and create awareness about the immense need to conserve power, fuel and water.

Join us in this nationwide movement on conserving energy and averting the energy crisis. Contact us to drop in your ideas and together we can partner to spread the message of combating energy crisis.

  • Partnerships with Customers

    Club Enerji partners with
    Godrej & Boyce Co. Ltd.

  • Partnerships with Schools/Colleges

    Club Enerji was present at the Marygold URJA 2009. Read more Club Enerji participated in the South Asian Youth Peace Meet. Read more

  • Partnerships with Associations

    Club Enerji took part in Batti-bandh 2009. Read more Club Enerji partners with Rotary Club of West Mumbai. Read more